Sunday, February 3, 2008

Activity 1: Can you spot the different transformation?

Transformation is found in everyday life. Below are some examples.

Example 1: (Look at the different sizes. What transformation is this?)

Example 2: (Look at the movement of blades)

Example 3: (Look at the movement of Mario in this Lego simulation. How did the characters move?)

Example 4: (Look at how the paper is been folded. Notice the mirror lines?)


Anonymous said...

My answers are:

Example 1: Enlargement
Example 2: Rotation
Example 3: Reflection
Example 4: Transation

Anonymous said...

My answer are:





Anonymous said...

my answer are:

eg1: reflection
eg2: Translation
eg3: rotation
eg4: enlargement

Anonymous said...

My answers are:

Eg1: rotatiion

Eg2: refelection

Eg3: translation

Eg4: enlargment

Anonymous said...

My answers are:

Eg 1: Enlargement

Eg 2: Rotation

Eg 3: Translation

Eg 4: Reflection

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My answers are:

Eg 1: Enlargement

Eg 2: Rotation

Eg 3: Translation

Eg 4: Reflection

Anonymous said...

My answers are:

example1: Enlargement
example2: Rotation
example3: Translation
example4: Reflection

Anonymous said...

My answer are:

Eg1: enlargement
eg2: rotation
eg3: reflection
eg4: translation

Anonymous said...

My answer are:

eg1: Enlagement

eg2: roation

eg3; translation

eg4; relefection